Cardboard Baler Rental Inspire Waste Management

You may want to ask yourself what the upsides of baling cardboard are? Did you know, you can earn revenue that may cover or exceed baler rental costs?

Has your business been thinking about baling cardboard, but you’re worried about baler rental costs?

Don’t be! It’s one of the cheapest and easiest ways to make your business more sustainable.

In fact, instead of looking at cardboard balers rental costs in isolation, think about the potential revenue your cardboard waste could be generating.

What are the typical baler rental costs?

If you were buying a cardboard baler, it would cost from around £2,500.  The price rises to more than £5,000 with larger baler capacities.

Many businesses don’t want another capital spend, though, so renting a baler is the perfect choice for them. That could cost them from as little as £20 per week, depending on the baler capacity.

You get a better price for your waste cardboard by baling it. Per tonne, you can get between £40 and £65 for cardboard waste, and you’re more likely to get the top end of that price if the waste is baled ready for your purchaser to transport and deal with.

Waste businesses like ours can transport more compacted, baled cardboard at once than loose cardboard in a skip, so it cuts our transportation costs.

Don’t forget that the more profit you make on the waste you recycle, the more you can offset the rental costs for your baler.

What are the other benefits of having a baler?

You keep your site clean and free of waste and reduce the hazards to staff and visitors.

Space is freed up at your site so that you can install more equipment or store more stock.

Your business is complying with its duties under the environmental regulations. Cardboard is an easily recycled material and 75% of all cardboard and paper is now made from recycled materials.

So, your business is helping to save precious resources and reduce the amount of energy needed to produce it from scratch.

You get paid for your waste and you help to save the trees. It’s a win-win scenario.

Why rent?

  • It’s the simple option – There are no capital costs and you don’t have to service a loan to buy the machinery. You simply rent the right equipment for your business, you are trained in how to use it, and you start to reap the benefits.
  • There are no maintenance or depreciation costs – Your contract can ensure the baler is maintained and stays working for you.
  • It’s flexible – There are a range of different contract options to suit any business.
  • Your transportation costs are cut – Businesses like ours can buy and take away your baled waste cardboard for recycling. The more you recycle, the bigger the saving.
  • We can ensure you get the best deal possible from the arrangement – Our waste consultants will carry out a site survey and recommend how your business can save money.

How to choose the right partner for your bulk waste recycling

Look for a company with expert waste management consultants, like Inspire Waste Management, who can help you achieve the best price possible for your cardboard waste.  We can achieve higher than market values for our clients.

Ensure the company can supply you with any baler products you may need and has appropriate ISO accreditations.

Need advice on dealing with your bulk waste and baler rental costs? Call our friendly Inspire Waste team on 0800 002 9282.