Industrial waste management
Did you know that having regular industrial services at your manufacturing site can help reduce the risks to you and your staff?

We understand that manufacturing is a process that has many potential hazards. They include injuries from faulty machine guarding or unexpected start-up, electrocution, accidents involving powered vehicles, and slips and falls.

Industrial cleaning services help your business avoid accidents and injuries or deaths by ensuring your workplace is clean and working efficiently.

That, of course, means your business is less likely to be liable for costs or compensation if someone is injured at your site. After a serious incident, that could run into hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of pounds.

We also understand that the cost of a serious accident may not just be felt in monetary terms.

All UK employers have a duty of care to their employees. The law says employers should take all steps reasonably possible to ensure the health, safety, and wellbeing of their employees.

Breaching health and safety regulations could result in a prosecution being brought by the HSE or local authority.

With all that in mind, industrial waste services are a wise investment for so many reasons.

Industrial Waste Management
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What are the UK statistics for workplace deaths and injuries?

Of the 147 deaths in the workplace in the UK in 2018/19, there were 26 in manufacturing (up from 15 in 2017/18).

Manufacturing is the third-highest sector for fatalities, after agriculture and fishing and construction.

UK Government figures show that the manufacturing, transportation, and storage sector has a rate of fatal injury between 1.5 to 2 times the average rate across all industries.

The top cause of workplace deaths was a fall from a height.

There were more than 71,000 workplace injuries in total in the UK in 2017/18 and the cost of workplace injury was £5.2 billion. A large proportion of that cost is felt by employers.

How can industrial waste management services help?

As the main cause of deaths and injuries is falling or slipping, having a clean manufacturing site helps reduce the likelihood these will take place.

Industrial cleaners will ensure your walkways and floors are clean and degreased, helping to ensure staff don’t slip or fall and that any powered vehicles in use don’t skid on grease and crash or hit someone.

Machinery will be cleaned and degreased, making sure it runs smoothly.

Where chemicals are stored and may have been leaking or spilled, experts will carry out a chemical clean-up.

Industrial tanks will be emptied, cleaned, and inspected by experienced, trained staff with the correct equipment. Tank cleaning should never be attempted by those without that training. Please read our blog on the subject to find out why.

Other industrial services include dust collector cleaning, duct cleaning, and hood exhaust systems cleaning.

Industrial cleaning services

How to choose the right company for your industrial waste management?

  • Ensure the company has the right ISO accreditations, as Inspire Waste Management does.
  • Ask how they would meet the environmental and health and safety regulations covering their work.
  • Ask for testimonials from their past client’s tanks.
  • Make sure you will have a full audit trail for any waste items you have removed and that they are licensed waste carriers.

Do you need our industrial services? Call our friendly Inspire Waste team on 0800 002 9282.